About Me!
Here’s a little background about me!
I grew up on a farm tagging along behind a couple older Brothers, my Dad, and Grandpa!
I taught myself to use a stick welder when I was fourteen; and as far back as I can remember, I have had an obsession with “How Things Work” . . . Especially engines!
Two things I absolutely love to do are just that; welding (particularly TIG), and modifying engines for added power.
I tend to become easily bored if I am not dreaming up and making steps toward something crazy! It’s a Sickness!
I think in a perfect world, almost every engine would be boosted!
I invite you to follow along to see me progress on a number of different cars and trucks. If You haven’t Joined already; there’s a box just below to join my email list, just for an alternate means of contact when I have something special to tell everyone directly, in the future.
I won’t be sending out annoying daily emails like some do; it’s simply so you don’t miss out.
We all have a hundred different things demanding our attention, and it’s so easy to become distracted and miss important things.
If You’d like, and haven’t already, Leave Your Email Below, and Check Out My HP TECH FARM “Store” for T-Shirts, Hats, Mugs, Mousepads, Stickers etc.
Remember, Your purchase supports my channel! :)
Think of it like a Donation with a small gift of appreciation in return, that You pick out! :)
If you don’t don’t like or want any more shirts or mugs etc. but just have a desire to support me; I set up a donation page also!
I’ve labeled it “Buy Me A Coffee” and You can toss a few bucks in the tip jar!
Purchases support the Channel, and Ultimately my goal is to support the continuance of the family farm.
Rather than starting a Gofundme , I wanted to use what abilities I do have, to serve as entertainment and as teaching, and instead; accept gratuity in return from anyone who appreciates what I do and wants to support the channel and the continuance of my family’s multi-generational farm!
Thank You, Friend!
I Hope You’ll Follow Along,
Andrew Franklin